Miniature Workshop - Reiko SWS
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Reiko Hervin Workshop....."Miniature Painting".... 

January 28-29, 2010....Limit-16 students 

       We are off to a great start on sales for Reiko Hervin's upcoming workshop, "Miniature Painting". We have already sold ten seats, so I would really suggest to everyone to get their deposits in quickly! 

       A fellow member of SWS, Reiko teaches watercolor classes in Gardnerville and also hosts workshops here in Reno. 

       In our workshop, we will discuss the history of miniature painting, and also what exactly qualifies as a miniature. There will be instruction on composition and value, and on the 1/6th scale. Each student will develop their miniature painting from their own reference materials. 

       There will be daily demonstrations by the instructor, and students will have ample time to work on their own paintings. Critique sessions will be offered, as well as information on matting and framing.
       Please visit Reiko's website at
Questions? Please call Vivienne at 775-246-7696 


SWS Sponsored  Workshops and Classes 

Workshop Artist                Dates                          Cost                       Deposit     Skill level  
Reiko Hervin            January 28-29, 2010     $90.00-members         $45.00   All skill levels

"Miniature Painting"                                    $120.00-non members


Make checks payable to SWS, indicating the workshop desired  "Reiko's Miniatures" and send to: Tom Dinkel, Sierra Watercolor Society, P.O. Box 70564, Reno, NV 89570-0564. 

For workshop information contact: Vivienne Buckert at 775-246-7696. 


Location: First Congregational Church of Reno: 627 Sunnyside Drive, Reno   775-747-1414

Thank you!