Daffodils Workshop with Reiko Hervin
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Transparent Watercolor Workshop with Reiko Hervin

February 19 - Daffodils Workshop
     Fresh daffodil blossoms are pleasing to see & fun to paint using daffodils for the class, analyze the form & sketch directly onto watercolor paper.  She will discuss about the mood of the painting, color schemes & how to  paint the intricate flow petals with glazing techniques, shadow colors & more.  If the  real flowers are not available, substitute materials will be provided.

Time & Date
: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday, 2/19/2011

Theme   ‘Daffodils’ using transparent watercolor

Instructor: Reiko Hervin

Place: Lone Tree Gallery:
1598 Esmeralda Ave. Minden


website:www.LoneTreeGallery.net for more information
See material list below.


Registration: Please call Barry at the gallery. Credit Card is accepted. 

Class Fee: $60

Level & Class size: All levels, Minimum of 3, max of 9.

Materials:  Students need to bring their own supplies. Please refer to the website.

                   Please remember to bring a sack lunch as this is a full day workshop.

Materials List: Good Paint, Good Brushes, Good Paper-3 Big Keys to success!

Sketch Book: 9"x12" (Spiral Bound)

Pencils: H, HB, 2B, 6B, Kneaded eraser, Pencil sharpener

Transparent Watercolor Tubes (Gouache is opaque, not transparent.): Please bring your paints if you have already.

Winsor & Newton, Daniel Smith (Quinacridone series), MaimeriBlu, Holbein are good.

-Basic colors: Permanent Yellow Lemon (Holbein) or Winsor Lemon (Not Winsor & Newton Lemon Yellow Nickel Titanate, this is opaque), Quinacridone Gold, Alizarin Crimson, Opera (Holbein), Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Teal Blue (D/S) or Manganese Blue Hue, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Viridian, Hooker's Green Deep, Winsor Violet Antwerp Blue (W/N) or Prussian Blue

-Optional good colors: Quinacridone Red, Quinacridone Coral (All by D/S), Winsor Blue (green shade)

Brushes: Sables or synthetic brushes (Good quality synthetic brushes are better than cheap natural hair brushes!)
Robert Simmons White Sables
Round #2, #4, #6, #10 or #12, Flat 1", Flat 1/2”
Loew-Cornell Flat Shader or Bristle brush for lifting
Nylon brush or Loew-Cornell Round Scrubber brush for masking fluid

Paper: Arches 140 lb or 300 lb cold press, 9"x12" Arches Watercolor block is fine

Art Board: Gator board with white tape. Form board, plywood are OK.

Pallet: Studio type with cover like John Pike's or Robert Wood's are fine

Misc. items: 2 water containers, Paper towels or cotton rags, Spray bottle Perception Kit (a set of value scale, view finder, values visualizer, you can purchase at the class for $13). Masking tape or artist white tape,

Masking fluid (Winsor & Newton) and a bar of soap (If you use Loew-Cornell Round Scrubber brush #5 for masking fluid, you don't need soap.)

Masking fluid pick up (or Masking tape), Mr. Clean sponge, opaque white Paint, Tracing paper, Graphite paper, Mechanical pencil for tracing down, Ruler, Scissors, (Small hair dryer)

Suppliers List
     Michael’s Arts & Crafts 775-267-1938  955 Topsy Ln. Jacks Valley
     Craft Market                775-883-3933       2750 S. Carson City
      Nevada Fine Arts Reno     775-786-1128
    www.nvfinearts.com 1301 S.Virginia St.
     Aaron Brothers            775-827-2004         4809 Kietzke Ln. Reno

     Daniel Smith            1-800-426- 6740    www.danielsmith.com

     Cheap Joe's Art Stuff 1-800-227- 2788 www.cheapjoes.com