Summer Tutorial Watercolor Classes with Reiko
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Summer Tutorial Watercolor Classes
     Award Winning Artist, Reiko Hervin offers Tutorial Watercolor Classes this coming Summer. Enjoy painting your own project for 3 hours at cool, relaxing artistic atmosphere with Reiko’s help. Let’s have fun painting with great company!

Time & Date: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Thursdays.  May 19, June 9, July 7 and August 11.

Location: UNR Cooperative Extension ‘Conference Room’
             1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410

Details:        Bring your painting project. Reiko will assist and give advice about your painting. This is a casual, fun painting atmosphere for all levels.
             Minimum of 3 people, max of 10.

Contact:      Please reserve your space.
                 More details via email. Please feel free to ask her any questions.
        or 775-465-1163.

Class Fee: $23.00 per a class

Join them as easy as 1, 2, 3!


 1. When Reiko sends an email ‘Summer Tutorial Watercolor Class’ info, please reply to her e-mail and reserve your space with the date(s) you would like to attend.
  Please let her know what kind of subject matters you are planning to paint.
  Reiko will reply to you to let you know if you are in the class. 

 2. Reiko will send you confirmation e-mail on Monday for Thursday’s class.
  Please reply and confirm the e-mail.

    If you cannot attend, please let her know asap. Then she can refer the next person if she has a waiting list.

3. Please pay the class fee $23.00 when you come to attend the class.

* Please bring your project, new painting or unfinished painting, along with reference materials like, sketches, reference photos, still life models, etc.

Let’s have fun painting with great company!