Watercolor Pencils for the Traveler - E. L. Cord Museum
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     This class is designed for those who travel and want to learn how to sketch quickly using watercolor pencils. First, the class will learn about color and basic watercolor pencil techniques. Then, students will have their choice of three different settings (two still lifes

and your own photo reference) to work from. Instructor demonstrations will be given on composition, working from different settings, and do’s and don’ts. Your practice in the studio will prepare you for working in the field while traveling. A $5 supply fee for still life materials is due to the instructor at the beginning of class.

Instructor: Reiko Hervin

Next Session: Saturday, July 16, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Ages: 15 and up / All Levels

Cost: $56 NMA members, $64 non-members


Place: E.L. Cord Museum School at Nevada Museum of Art

More information and register online: 

E.L. Cord Museum School at Nevada Museum of Art

160 West Liberty Street Reno, NV 89501

775-329-3333 x260 
