Quails & Berries
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Watercolor: Quail & Berries
     In relation to Explorer, Naturalist and Artist: John James Audubon and the Birds of America, sketch and paint this popular local bird with berries using transparent watercolor and opaque white gouache. First sketch the basic structure in pencil, then make a quick value sketches utilizing the entire composition. Step-by-step watercolor techniques will be demonstrated such as mixing various grays, how to use wet-into-wet to create an easy and natural background, and accent the painting with richly colored berries.


Instructor: Reiko Hervin

Next Session: Saturday, Nov.6, 2010, 10 AM to 5 PM

Ages: 15 and up / All Levels

Cost: $56 NMA members, $63 non-members

Place: E.L. Cord Museum School at Nevada Museum of Art


More information and register online: 

E.L. Cord Museum School at Nevada Museum of Art

160 West Liberty Street Reno, NV 89501

775-329-3333 x260
