Watercolor - Goldfish & Pouring Technique
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Watercolor - Goldfish & Pouring Technique 

       Create spontaneously beautiful compositions featuring fancy goldfish using the pouring technique.  Study and sketch beautiful goldfish, refine your compositions, and utilize masking fluid.  Step-by-step techniques, individual attention, and a critique at the end of class will be provided.  A traced image will be available upon request. 
       Bring a sack lunch or dine in Café Musée.


Instructor: Reiko Hervin

Session 1: Saturday, October 24, 10 am to 5 pm  


Ages: 15 and up / All Levels

Cost: $56 NMA members, $63 non-members

More information and register online: www.nevadaart.org/school 

or call 775-329-3333 x260



E.L. Cord Museum School at Nevada Museum of Art

160 West Liberty Street Reno, NV 89501

775-329-3333 x260
