Watercolor & Watercolor Pencils: Underpainting & Silhouette - One Day Workshop with Reiko at Lone Tree Gallery
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Watercolor & Watercolor Pencils: Underpainting & Silhouette
One-day Workshop October 10 & Lone Tree Gallery
    This class is designed for people who visit scenic places and want to enjoy capturing the mood of the landscape or town. First, the class will paint several underpaintings abstractly with watercolor. If the weather is good, the class will step outside to sketch the old town of Minden. Then the class will paint impressionist style using watercolor pencils from their own sketches and/or reference photos. Hervin will show step by step how to capture the mood, color schemes as well as discussing compositions, perspective and different techniques.
Students need to bring their own supplies. Please refer to the sample list below. A $3 supply fee for materials is due to the instructor at the beginning of class. Please remember to bring a sack lunch as this is a full day workshop.

Time & Date: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday, October 8, 2011
Instructor: Reiko Hervin
Place: Lone Tree Gallery: 1598 Esmeralda Ave. Minden 775-782-2522 
website:www.LoneTreeGallery.net for more information & material list.
Registration: Please contact Barry or Janice at the gallery. Credit Cards are accepted. 
Class Fee: $60
   All levels of adult (15 yrs and up) students are welcome. Class size: Minimum of 4, maximum of 9.

Instructor – Reiko Hervin  
     Reiko Hervin is a full-time watercolor artist. After graduating with honors from Tokyo Design School, she began her career as a graphics artist. She studied under one of the great masters of Japanese art for several years. She continued to study watercolor after moving to the US in 1993. Her artwork has an accent of Japanese sensitivity of luminous colors and dynamic expression in the compositions. She appreciates the power of the sun and the shadows which makes for a three dimensional effect where delicate colors lay on top of each other. Reiko’s work has been broadly published and appeared in a number of significant shows across the country. Her work has appeared on the “Watercolor Magic Magazine” website in 2003-04. She is a juried member of Watercolor West. One of her floral paintings appears in “Splash 9-Watercolor Secrets” by North Light Books. Her painting was one of 10 finalists in the Flowers & Gardens Competition for the International Artist Magazine in 2007, again 2010. Since moving to Nevada in 1997, she has been very active as an artist and educator in the area, receiving numerous awards. Her works are in private collections across the country as well as in Europe and Asia.

Materials List: Good Paint, Good Brushes, Good Paper-3 Big Keys to success!
Sketch Book:
9"x12" or smaller
HB (or mechanical pencil), 6B, Kneaded eraser, Pencil sharpener or Craft knife

Watercolor Tubes (Prefer transparent colors): Bring your paints if you have already them.
-Basic colors: Winsor Yellow (not Winsor & Newton Lemon Yellow Nickel Titanate, this is opaque) Viridian or Hooker's Green Deep, Cobalt Teal Blue (Daniel Smith) or Manganese Blue, or similar colors Permanent Rose or Opera, Ultramarine Blue or Cobalt Blue, Burnt Sienna, Viridian or Hooker's Green Deep, Cobalt Teal Blue (Daniel Smith) or Manganese Blue, or similar colors

Brushes: Sables are the best, but synthetic brushes are fine like Robert Simmons white sables (good quality synthetic brushes are better than cheap natural hair brushes) Round #4 or #6 or #8, #10 or #12 and/or Flat 1"

Watercolor Pencils: Any brand 12 to 24 colors are fine.

Paper: 3 to 6 sheets, your choice of 6 x 9” to 8 x 10” of Arches 140 lb or 300 lb cold press, Arches Watercolor block or Carnet de Voyage (travel Book) is fine.

Art Board: Sized to fit your paper with tape, clips, a piece of foam core is OK.

Studio type or travel pallet is OK.

Misc. items: 3 to 6 Reference photos (landscapes and/or townscape), Digital camera, 2 water containers, Paper towels or cotton rags, Spray bottle, Kleenex, extra watercolor papers for testing colors. Perception Kit (a set of value scale, view finder, values visualizer, you can purchase at the class, $13.) Masking tape, Ruler, Scissors, Small hair dryer

Suppliers List

Nevada Fine Arts


 1030 E. 4th St. Reno

Aaron Brothers


 4809 Kietzke Ln. Reno

Daniel Smith

 1-800-426- 6740


Cheap Joe's Art Stuff

 1-800-227- 278


Art Supply Warehouse        1-800-995-6778
